Dienstag 19.04. um 21:00 das erste Mal auf FREIRAD
… und ab dann jeden 1. und 3. Dienstag im Monat.
Hallo I’m Alaa Sarih
Today is the first show for me in radio FREIRAD Innsbruck and we will be talking about some information about the Arabic music ☺.
Oriental music from the core consists of eight maqam. Maqam It is a series of musical signs according to certain dimensions and rules in place to classify music melody. Making it easier to deal with the pianist with a musical instrument, and thus with the musical scale. There are many (maqam) and they can be classified into eight main (maqam). They are derived from a large number of sub maqam.
مساء الخير
معكم علاء سريع على هوا راديو فرايراد واليوم راح نحكي عن معلومات اساسية عن الموسيقى الشرقية
الموسيقى الشرقية تتكون من ثمانية مقامات اساسية
المقام هو عبارة عن توالي علامات موسيقية وفق ابعاد معينه و قواعد موضوعة لتصنيف اللحن الموسيقي.
الأمر الذي يسهل تعامل العازف مع الآلة الموسيقية وبالتالي مع المقياس الموسيقي.
هنالك العديد من المقامات يمكن تصنيفها إلى ثمانية مقامات اساسية
يتم اشتقاق عدد كبير من المقامات الفرعية منها.
والمقامات الموسيقية الأساسية هي كالتالي
The basic maquam are as follows:
The first maqam is ajam
And the example for this maqam is
Alein khalaf (lih khaletne ahbk)
The second maqam is rast
And the example for this maqam is
Faeruz (ya dara dore fena)
The third maqam is nahawand
And the example for this maqam is
Abas Ibrahim (nadet)
The forth maqam is bayat
And the example for this maqam is
Sadon algaber (20 3am inkedat)
The fifth maqam is saba
And the example for this maqam is
Muhammad abdo (alamakn)
The sixth maqam is hijaz
And the example for this maqam is
Dania (alhelwa de)
The seventh maqam is kurd
And the example for this maqam is
Fadel shaker (ma3kol)
The eight maqam is sega
And the example for this maqam is
Faeruz (ter w ale)
thank you very much
I wish I give a good a little bit information about the Oriental music
Good night
شكرآ كتير على حسن الاستماع
وبتمنى كون عطيت لو فكرة صغيرة عن الموسيقى
zur Sendung:
Palmyra* – An introduction to Arabic music.
Music is independent and alive. Arabic music has a long history of interaction with many musical styles in other regions. It’s a mixture of music from the Arabian Peninsula and all the people and peoples of the Arab world today.
In addition you will hear Arabic literature and poetry.
Macher: Alaa Sarih
*Palmyra is an ancient Semitic city in present-day Homs Governorate, Syria. Archaeological finds date back to the Neolithic period and the city was first documented in the early second millennium BC.
More Information about on Wikipedia.
Picture by reibai