The Reading Circle of Sandra and Andrew (‚Sandrew‘) Milne-Skinners is running already over 12 years and over 100 books have been spoken about. FREIRAD shows you a list of these books – so you never run out of the next thrilling „literaventure“.
Reading Circle has been running for over 12 years. The Circle meets once a month, on a Friday evening, now at 6pm, in different venues, to discuss the next book democratically voted on by the group present at the previous session. Whoever first promoted the book prior to the vote then usually kicks off the discussion.
We have 42 registered members. On average, a dozen members attend the Friday evening session. The location for the meeting depends on who volunteers to host the session. We usually have a welcome drink, with nibbles, for about half-an-hour. Then follows the running discussion over 90 minutes (and even up to two hours!) A buffet then follows. After some ¾ of an hour, we have a round of ‘A Book a Minute’, where members recommend books for other members to read. Finally, 3 or 4 books are proposed for discussion at the next session – each introduced by a proposer/ promoter for 2 or 3 minutes. We then vote as to which book is to be discussed. (If the vote is close, we may well choose the book in second position for the next but one session.)
On the first Tuesday of each month, at 8pm Austrian time, Freirad broadcast our edited 30-minute programme about the book discussed in the previous month. That programme is repeated on the following Monday morning at 11 am Austrian time. Both broadcasts can be heard live via Internet.
Reading Circle is a radio show on FREIRAD. Over 100 Books have been talked about. Previous programmes you’ll find here. Reading Circle is running on following days:
On the 1st Tuesday of each month at 8 pm
The programme is repeated on the following Monday at 11 am